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In today’s world, with the exception of a few pathetic,  Paleolithic countries, women are champions of their fate; “captains of their souls”.  Women shine as CEOs, CFOs, heads of state, professionals on equal plane with their male counterparts; gone are the shackles of prehistoric, nonsensical dictates; no longer confined to two rooms or behind a Purdah, women are free, free to follow their whims, instincts, desires. 

“Brave” dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs is an animated film imbued with pungently powerful metaphors and lessons meaningful for all ages. “Brave” is fun, captivating and entertaining for “little” and “big” folks, equably.

Pixar gifts us “Merida” a ferocious flame that no retardant could suppress; she is fire, igniting the sparks on the Fourth of July, May Day, Diwali, Festival of Lights; she blisters the screen with flaming, whirling, twirling tresses; she rides wantonly, with intrepid abandonment, bareback; her arrows pierce the accurate center of every target; she is tireless, eats like a stevedore, and is a princess.  A princess, that refuses the role, her loving mother, tries to cast her in; she is intransigent, recalcitrant  and sets up the age old ubiquitous mother/daughter dilemma. Herein lies a love story, a provocative narrative of two generations clashing, warring opinions, wishes that disastrously come to fruition.

This fantastical and “brave” tale about miscommunication, mayhem and magic gone awry, resonates with a sage, discerning, simple message: travails of the world could be salvaged, thwarted if parties listened, without roadblocks, prejudices or boundaries to the verbalized thoughts of one’s advisory, whether familial, governmental, personal; words have curative, antidotal, alchemical powers; Merida and her mother are transformed and endow the audience a relevant, eloquent, satisfying  “happy ending”.


For Now………….Peneflix


  1. P, With all your superlative adjectives, I am curious to know why you gave the film only THREE STARS!!!and 3!!!. Looking forward to your resonalbe response. S;-)

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