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It is March first and to this point “Stoker” reigns as the worst film of 2013! How and why do beautiful, gifted actors prostitute their talents for detritus; meaningless, nonsensical scenarios? South Korean director Park Chan-Wook (“Oldboy”) fills a luscious, enchanting landscape with nothingness.

Commencing at “Richard Stoker’s (luckily, a miniscule role for Dermot Mulroney) funeral, attended by his indolent, vapid widow “Evelyn”; a paltry portrayal by Nicole Kidman, whose cadence never varies from 33&1/3 speed; daughter “India” a somnambulist, poker-faced, barely blinking, a stoic Mia Wasikowska, robot-like she resembles the “walking dead” or “warm bodies”, with an injection of intelligence and supernatural, sonic faculties;  in the shadowy background we see a dark silhouette, portentous of impending disaster; “Uncle Charlie” eerily, creepily depicted by a paragon of flawless beauty, Matthew Goode, enters the “Stoker” household ( all devoid of a moral compass); and stokes the fuel of horrific, gruesome butchery.

Characterizations as porous as cheesecloth and just as bland. An innocuous script, at best a miserly four pages; blatant metaphors revolving around entomology, hunting, guns and gore; a macabre game between hunter and hunted.

Saving the film from a zero rating is a daunting piano duet, composed by Philip Glass; seamlessly sensual, erotically enticing; fingers entwined, pulsating, caressing the keys, never has intimacy sounded more titillating, sublime, satiated.


For Now………Peneflix

It is March first and to this point “Stoker” reigns as the worst film of 2013! How and why do beautiful, gifted actors prostitute their talents for detritus; meaningless, nonsensical scenarios? South Korean director Park Chan-Wook (“Oldboy”) fills a luscious, enchanting landscape with nothingness. Commencing at “Richard Stoker’s (luckily, a miniscule role for Dermot Mulroney) …

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